Are Jindo’s easy to toilet train?

Jindo’s are naturally very clean dogs, which means they prefer to go to the toilet well away from their home. This behavior results in them being very easy to toilet train. Even as puppies they are very reluctant to pee or poo inside and are willing to hold it in for a long time before going. I will go as far as saying Jindo’s are naturally toilet trained.

I cannot remember my dog Doogi, who is a Jindo cross ever having an accident inside. He just holds it in, and even when outside he takes great care to find a more private place before going to the toilet. Now, this can be a bit annoying at times because Jindo’s can insist on quite a long walk before they find the perfect location to do their business. Doogi also prefers a location in tall grass, but also with a view. They can be a bit demanding like that.

This habit does mean Jindo’s are difficult (but not impossible) to train to pee inside on an absorbent mat. They will much rather hold it in and go outside. So some apartment owners, who do not have time to walk their dogs do complain about this aspect of their personality. This simply means, Jindo’s are not suitable for anyone who does not have the time or space to take them for a walk, actually they will prefer to have at least a couple of walks every day as a minimum.

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